
The Fun Palace (A Carnival of Mixed Realities) is a curated location-specific mixed reality event consisting of several interactive prototypes that propose new audience interactions with emerging technologies such as Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR). The Fun Palace is a provocative reinvention of the low fidelity sketches of Cedric Price (1964) and others, drawing from the field of Cybernetics. Situated in the Hangar at the Centre for Digital Media on June 25th 6pm-10pm, this event will allow audiences to engage with dancers, actors, musicians and a host of real and virtual animations and objects.

Centre for Digital Media
Vancouver, Canada
Production Management, UX

Playback to the day


There were more than 35 talented people from the Centre for Digital Media and also community organizers, event coordinators, volunteer group leaders and event staff, totaling 120+ contributors who are creating a magical Mixed Reality installation together. In 6 weeks, my role was to developed and managed the relationship with all levels of stockholders.

Due to the time, I addressed scope changes and minimized the impact of such changes as relates to schedules, and risk for VR/AR/MR technologies.


In 6 weeks, as a production manager, I developed and managed schedules, monitored/tracked tasks, managed risks, coordinated resources, totaling 350+ attendees/participants. There were people asked if we would have the similar event next year.


Before the event

Manage the entire volunteers and contributor teams
• Student group
• Organization
• Companies

The way the audience line up
• We created an AR app for them to start exploring before the walk into the environment
• Poster on the wall for people to get some information before they join us
• We also invited food trunk outside, so people could enjoy and shared the vibe.

Build the website
• Collected Weavers for any accidents and able to use their information on the website, which included the logo and confirmed contributor’s introduction (profile photo and introduction)
• Website style and content for marketing purpose

During the event

• Made sure all people were ready and set in their position.
• All guide staff had makeup like a clown for audiences to recognize. Their job was to lead audiences to follow the direction we set. There was a number limit for each booth. Staff needed to control it wasn’t too many or fewer people at the same time in the same spot.
• Time managed for each booth and the entire session.
• Checked if volunteers had enough breaks or stayed in their booth to introduce the booth or how to interact with the environment.

After the event

• Closer dance for everyone which leads people to exit the place.
• Made sure enough time to prepare the next session opens.


Big thanks for all the contributors and sponsors to support the amazing event!